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ACLs for event logs do not conform to minimum requirements.


Finding ID Version Rule ID IA Controls Severity
V-1077 2.001 SV-29199r1_rule ECTP-1 Medium
Event logs are susceptible to unauthorized, and possibly anonymous, tampering if proper ACLs are not applied.
Windows XP Security Technical Implementation Guide 2013-03-14


Check Text ( C-4328r1_chk )
The event log files “AppEvent.Evt,” “SecEvent.Evt,” and “SysEvent.Evt”— by default, all found in the “%SystemRoot%\SYSTEM32\CONFIG” directory. They may have been moved to another folder.

Check for the following permissions:
Administrators RX
(Auditor’s group) All

Note: See V-1137 for the Auditors group requirement.

The “Auditors” group may appear in the Gold Disk output as a finding. This is because the name of the group is left to the sites. If an auditors group is present, its presence doesn’t constitute a finding.

If the permissions for these files are not as restrictive as the ACL listed, then this is a finding.
Fix Text (F-46r1_fix)
Set the ACL permissions on the event logs as defined in the manual check.